
发布日期: 2012-12-30  作者: pgdc admin   浏览次数: 335  


蒲公英 多年生野生蔬菜,能药膳两用,有清热解毒、消炎、凉血、利胆、健胃等功能,对脂肪肝、高血脂患者疗效甚佳。


鸭儿芹 多年生植物,有芫荽和芹菜香气,对感冒、咳嗽、牙痛、肺炎、尿道感染、肿毒等有特殊疗效。鸭儿芹嫩茎叶可凉拌、炒食、煲汤或制馅。

筛选出的野生鸭儿芹在上海地区主要在3-5月生长,夏季需遮荫处理,要选择有机质丰富、蓄水保肥力强,pH 中性土壤中栽培。上海在3月初播种,生长期间需要追施。可多次采收。尚未有病虫害发生。可分嫩株全株采收和分期摘叶采收二种。

Dandelion and ducking celery are two perennial wild vegetable, could be used as vegetable and medicine. The former is of detoxify, anti-inflammatory, cooling blood, Stomachic functions, and the latter has special therapy values in relation to cold cough, toothache, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and swollen poison. 

The screened wild dandelion and ducking celery populations can adapt to the climate and soil conditions in Shanghai. The cultivate environments for Dandelion are characterized by adequate light, loose and deep soils with rich organic matter, Dandelion could be seeded in mid-March in Shanghai, and reap by cutting the outer layer leaves or all the leaves above the stems. Ducking celery could be planted in shady and wet soils with rich organic matter. 

No pests and diseases have been found in the fields of the above two wild vegetables in Shanghai, therefore no pesticides are used during their production.

联系人: 郭水良 (gsg@shnu.edu.cn)

上海市徐汇区桂林路100号 第一教学大楼 218室 电话:021-64321102 版权归植物种质资源开发中心